Share the Good News

A normal, healthy Christian life includes sharing the gospel with others.

Bibles for Europe has a series of sharable gospel tracts to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Each tract briefly presents God’s eternal salvation and concludes with a prayer to receive the Lord Jesus as the Saviour.

Read and share these tracts with your friends, relatives, and other people in your life via social media, Whatsapp or email by clicking on the post titles below.

  1. Freed from the Fear of Death
  2. The Third Part
  3. Lost and Found
  4. Is Jesus in Your Boat?
  5. Only Jesus Can Heal You
  6. You Can Know God
  7. Foolishness or the Power of God?
  8. No Longer Enemies
  9. The Big Question
  10. You Must Be Born Anew
  11. Who Is Jesus?

Printed gospel tracts historically have proven to be very effective to help people receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Stories abound of people who were saved by reading a tract a stranger had given to them. Some were even saved by reading a tract they found in the trash!

Today’s modern technology provides us with a great means to tell people about the Lord and His salvation through social media and email. May the Lord use these digital tracts to help people know Him as their Saviour!

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